The Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility is a regional
facility providing imaging and analytical services
to the University of New Brunswick, other universities,
government and industry.
The facility houses three electron-beam
instruments (SEM, TEM/STEM, Electron Probe), a confocal
scanning laser microscope, digital light microscopes, and
an X-ray micro CT. Access to the
instrumentation is on a 'first-come, first-serve'
basis and users pay an hourly instrument rental fee.
Users have the option in being trained to operate
the equipment themselves or in employing the services
of the staff of the MMF.
The MMF offers training on all of
the instruments and in advanced analytical techniques:
EDS,WDS, EELS, EFTEM, electron diffraction, and numerous
specialized sample preparation techniques. Special
lectures in microscopy techniques are offered for
classroom presentations or for groups of interested
researchers upon request.